long distance moving experts
Wondermove is your trusted partner, spanning Ann Arbor to Metro Detroit. Our team of seasoned movers, backed by over 13 years of expertise, ensures your long distance moving experience is smooth and stress-free. We’re known for our swift, industry-leading delivery times and unwavering commitment to success.
Your journey begins with a complimentary on-site moving estimate, followed by comprehensive support from a dedicated relocation specialist. With Wondermove, your long distance move is guaranteed to proceed smoothly and on schedule, every step of the way.
Why Wondermove?
- no Outsourcing
- Fast Delivery: Same Day to 2 Day Transit
- exact pickup & delivery Dates
- Truck Exclusivity, No Combined Loads
- Secure Storage Solutions
- Professional Packing Services
- Real-Time Truck Tracking
How far do we move?
We’ve moved clients to over 38 states. Check out our coverage map below to see if your next long distance move is within our serviceable range.
Starting to plan?
You can get started by either clicking the link below to complete our online form or by contacting our office to speak with a relocation specialist.
- Job Relocation
- Interstate Moving
- statewide moving
- Long Distance Movers
We know how important it is to keep your hardwood floors and carpet protected during your long distance move. That’s why we take protecting your home as seriously as protecting your furniture. We include basic home protection materials with every long distance move. If you need more thorough protection throughout your home, we can help with that too.
- Included: Entranceway Floor Runner & Door Protection
- Additional: Hardwood Floor Boarding & Protective Carpet Film

Valuation coverage is the moving industry’s version of “insurance.” The type of coverage selected determines the liability Wondermove (and any other mover) assumes in the event of loss or damage. We want to provide maximum peace of mind on your long distance move and believe this starts with maximum transparency. Here are some helpful resources that explain these options in further detail and a list of possible liability exclusions.
Fact: Wondermove has a claims rate of ~2% vs. the industry average 20%

- Long Distance Moving
- Cross Country Moving
- National Moving
- Interstate Moving
- State-To-State Moving
- Nationwide Moving